God Almighty teaches me the antiChrist comes from Russia very soon!
67 Second Video!
The Lord Jesus Stunned me when He taught that Harris would get the Nomination & not Biden. 9 Days later Joe shocked the Nation by dropping out.
The current {2/2020} dictator (king) in Russia is completely eliminated by the final anti-Christ. Remain Rapture Ready. 2 1/2 Minute Video! Very Important Prophecy! Please Watch!!!
anti-Christ kills Vladimir Putin and soon begins his reign. He crosses into many lands and kills the Pope. anti-Christ goes on to Israel to fulfill all that is written. Jesus Christ slays the anti-Christ. The Lord Jesus begins His Millennial Reign.
This is a self sustaining ministry. No donations or love offerings are accepted. I Minister for free to wherever the Lord Jesus sends me!
We usually check our email daily.
At 22 years old [over 40 years ago!] I found Jesus Christ as my Savior. 9 months later a lady named Adel King laid hands on me and the power & presence of God filled me completely. Later that day I was in my room and began speaking in a language I had never heard or studied before. About 40 years later I became a Pastor in the Methodist System. Towards the end of my pastorship I had open visions where The Lord Jesus hugged me, kissed my forehead, & explained many things to me. The Revelation of Jesus Christ operates in my spirit {Eph 1:17}. The Lord Jesus led me into retirement on 7-1-21 but - like most "Retired Preachers" - if a door opens for me on a Sunday to share my Testimony of Jesus Christ then I remain open to accepting. May God keep you all in His peace.